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Introducing Cherry Picking - my debut novel

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Thanks again for visiting - Tim Heath

Monday, August 8, 2011

Finally...nearly some news...

Well I have spent a very enjoyable day rereading my book - and I know I'm biased, but the book is gripping....especially once you hit chapter sixteen. I'm personally hard on myself so if I think it's got a great flow, maybe it's got a chance!

Anyway, what I was wanting to say it that it seems at last there is a chance that my book will get 'out there' soon, which is much better than these last few months when it's been, well, nowhere!

So, by about Summer 2012, and with all things going as they have started to open up, the book will be available from Amazon and also for the Kindle and we'll see what other options open up for the book, but certainly those two markets.

So I'm excited but of course having it available is only the first stage - getting word out is totally another thing. But at least once it's available I have something to point people towards!

I'll be clearer on this when it launches, but one thing I did want to get clear - while my other blog is talking about matters of faith and the heart, as well as telling our story, this novel is another side to my writing gift. It's just a novel (a great read too!) but has nothing to do with our life, or what we do. It's fiction. So I wanted to be clear about that.

And did I say it will soon be available on Amazon and the Kindle?? Oh, I did. Well, it will be....hopefully in time for Christmas 2012, so that's your shopping sorted for this year then, right?!

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